Topic: Write a recipe for making pasta! – 10th June 2020

This week we have been learning about Italy! In our bubbles at school we have been making pasta and at home you may of even made a pizza! Today I want you to write a recipe for making Pasta! Don’t worry if you haven’t done this at school!

Below is a video from my favourite YouTube channel! Watch it closely and take notes about the different steps to making the dough. You might need to watch two or even more times to really understand how it is done! You will need to use your noticing and distilling learning power!

Also, don’t forget to use your knowledge of imperative verbs when writing out the recipe (below is an example you can follow)!



200g of semolina flour or plain flour

120ml of warm water


  • Obtain all your ingredients from the ingredients list.
  • Weigh out your flour and measure out your water.
  • Add the some of the water to the flour and begin to mix

can you continue from here? Watch closely! 

You can email me or put in the comments your recipes. I would love to see them (mheritage@hwbcymru.net)!

If you have had a ago at making pasta, use your recipes to have ago it is great funny and it will be the very tasty! But make sure you watch closely and follow the expert Pasta Granny!  

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